Home » Come Meet Your Favorite Autopian Writers At Our LA Auto Show Booth All Week!

Come Meet Your Favorite Autopian Writers At Our LA Auto Show Booth All Week!

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We had an excellent shrimp-filled auto show party yesterday, but the Autopian booth wasn’t just a one-day affair. Our writers will be at the LA Auto Show from today through the end of the show, so please join us and  try to stump us with questions, get your photos taken with your favorite microcars, and otherwise just talk our ears off about cars (we won’t mind; hell, we’ll love it). Plus, use code AUTOPIAN22 when you buy a ticket and you’ll get $3 off! What could be better? Your spouse is tired of listening to you blather on about the DAF’s “Variomatic” belt-driven CVT, anyway; but we won’t be.

The LA Auto Show runs from today, November 18th all the way through Sunday, November 27th. The Autopian’s goal is to have at least a couple of writers in our space every day that isn’t Thanksgiving (though the show is open [Editor’s Note: I will be there, possibly rebuilding an engine. Come help! -DT]). We’re in the Galpin Hall of Customs along with some extremely great cars.

If you’ve never been to the LA Auto Show, you should know that it’s split into three sections, with the South Hall on the left (in this photo) and the West Hall on the right. Between those two halls is the Galpin Hall of Customs and once you’re in there you can’t miss us.

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The show opens at 9:00 AM most days and continues until 7:00 PM or 10:00 PM, depending on the day. We will try to be there most of the time, although I’d guess the 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM window is the best time to find us.

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Here are some things you can do if you come:

  • Watch us blog and ask us questions. [Editor’s Note: I cannot believe we’re seriously telling folks to “watch us blog.” I, for one, will not be sitting on my computer while guests are around. WE SHALL TALK CARS! -DT]. 
  • Try to go on camera and stump us by asking hard car questions.
  • Go to the Galpin Auto Sports merch section and get some Autopian merch
  • Get your photo taken with microcars

You can even make a little GIF.

We have some great cars on display:

  • Five Microcars
    • PTV 250
    • Biscuter
    • Zündapp Janus
    • Scootacar
    • P. Vallee Chantecler
  • TJ Russell’s SEMA-winning Baja 911
  • Rinspeed Porsche 969
  • Aston Martin Virage Shooting Brake
  • David’s junky Nash Metropolitan
  • All of Galpin’s awesome customs

Again, if you’re in the So Cal area come over and say hello!

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1 year ago

I saw the cars yesterday at the show and the Janus was amazing. But someone should tell David that his car technically isn’t a Nash. Starting in 1958 they were marketed as Metropolitans so they could be sold at Rambler dealers

1 year ago

Aw YES, this gif is the Zündapp Janus content I crave.


1 year ago

Was there on Sunday, watched David Tracy sleep, LOL.

Goat Bird
Goat Bird
1 year ago

“David’s junky Nash Metropolitan” is still cooler than 99% of the over-engineered cookie-cutter boxes on the road today…

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago


*adjusts black turtle neck and flounces off*

1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

I read that in Frasier Crane’s voice. Made me smile.

The Toecutter
The Toecutter
1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Go mope in your dungeon with the lights off, listening to “Hollow Hills” by Bauhaus in the pitch black.

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago
Reply to  The Toecutter

I don’t mope, I get off my face on snakebite and singalong to “This Corrosion” really loudly to the poster of Patricia Morrison on my wall.

The Toecutter
The Toecutter
1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Followed by some “After Hours” I presume?

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago
Reply to  The Toecutter

The judge said I’m not allowed to do that anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Of course you weren’t included. The headline clearly says favorite, not favourite.

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago
Reply to  mdharrell

We gave you tea and language and what have you done? Mangled both!

1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Don’t try pulling any of that British stuff on me. I own both an Allegro and a Maestro and I used to own a Metro and a rubber-bumpered MGB, so what are the odds I’ll be fooled a fifth time?

On an unrelated note, do you know of any nice Triumph Acclaims for sale over there?

1 year ago
Reply to  mdharrell

You deliberately bought a Metro?!
My condolences.

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago
Reply to  mdharrell

I don’t, but I’m in a few unexceptional/British dross type Facebook groups and have a few Twitter friends in that area so can keep my eyes open.

Mark Tucker
1 year ago
Reply to  Adrian Clarke

Yeah well, I won’t be there either, so that’s two massive chunks of our readership who are going to be sorely disappointed.

It’s kinda like going to a Star Wars convention and the only person there signing autographs is the guy who played Porkins…

Adrian Clarke
1 year ago
Reply to  Mark Tucker

The late William Hootkins who despite being American lived and found success in the UK. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.

The Toecutter
The Toecutter
1 year ago

It sucks that there is no way I’d be able to show up with my home-built microcar/bicycle thing. It would fit right in.

1 year ago
Reply to  The Toecutter

Oh man oh man oh man oh man. *I* want to see this. What did you build?

1 year ago

Fantastic News! I had to skip the party last night, but I always find time to visit the LA show every year. I’ll see you (somebody?) there!

1 year ago

“Your spouse is tired of listening to you blather on about the DAF’s ‘Variomatic’ belt-driven CVT…”

No, mostly I think she’s just resigned to the fact that I spend so much time and effort working on one.

It may help that I try to do my blathering here instead.

1 year ago
Reply to  mdharrell

I should have specified “automotive blathering” here. I also teach for a living.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x