Home » I Have To Fit My Whole Garage Into This Small Office — Show Us Your Garage Setup: Wrenching Wednesday

I Have To Fit My Whole Garage Into This Small Office — Show Us Your Garage Setup: Wrenching Wednesday

Wrenchingwednesday 11

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2 years ago

I really feel for you David, losing storage space has to be the worst thing imaginable.
Hopefully it will be worth it to get away from the land of the midnight rust.

I have a basically 1.875 car garage that I have absolutely packed with machine tools (mill, lathe, 2” belt grinder, CNC plasma table) and a 4ft 2 post lift.
I really need a bigger building, but im torn between building one and getting the hell out of New York state, for climate and cost of living reasons.

Current Project on the lift

The “machine shop” side of the garage

A view from outside https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMKsKFIllvwVVUsoJwy0690ZUC-lbfJJLcGyF24TiaPNxOCyWDEUQbYCHs1LJCNrg?key=dnpFckFzU1dKMmt2M2d2UkxScTIzUGRkTGlIU2hB

2 years ago

Prediction: no standing room left in the office by the end of July, and you will be working out of a booth at the local McDonalds

2 years ago

Don’t tell my wife or kids, but I bought our current house for the garage and yard and then worked to make the house livable. A standard double garage was never big enough for all my stuff. Now I have a 30’x30′ detached garage space (over half the size of the house) and nearly an acre so that I can have my 2 campers in the back yard. The garage space is actually pretty organized, and I’m constantly adding shelves, getting rid of things I haven’t used, and adding tools. Kitchen cabinets from the house moved into the garage when we remodeled. I have a rolling toolbox for most of my hand tools and quite a few old file cabinets for larger corded tools. I have a lot of woodworking tools (ducted dust collection, table saw, router table, etc, and most of it is on wheels. I have a couch and rolling chair that I pulled from a US Auto junkyard Range Rover. There’s a 55″ TV above my workbench on a mount for watching instructional videos or movies. I have a great stereo out there too, as well as a garage fridge stocked with beverages. The MGB gets a permanent spot in the garage, as well as the lawn tractor. I scored a great engine lift during covid that was a former rental lift. It came on a cart in 5 pieces and takes up less than 2′ square of floor space. I love my garage, but I do wish the ceiling was higher and the doors were bigger. The ceiling is at under 8′ and it’s two single 8′ wide by 7′ high doors, so it’s really tight to get most cars into. There’s also a wall down the center because the garage was originally 15’x30′ and they doubled it with an addition. So they’re only a doorway and window between the 2 sides. It’s a great space though, and far better than most of the houses in my area. My dream would be to put up a pole barn to store my campers, but I’d have to get a variance to do so in my town.

Dan Pritts
Dan Pritts
2 years ago
Reply to  3WiperB

I looked at a house once that had the garage majal, better than yours. Two story detached w/man cave upstairs. Full height with a hoist. Etc etc etc.

Unlike you, this guy never quite finished any of the projects inside the house. Everything was half done or half-assed.

It will shock you to learn the sale was due to divorce.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Pritts

Yeah, I was smart enough to know that the garage upgrades waited until the house was remodeled and in good shape and that the tool purchases were to support house upgrades. The house was in really bad shape when I bought it (almost uninhabitable) and I had 3 months to get it livable before moving in (new plumbing, new bathrooms, kitchen remodel, floors refinished, make sure the smell of cat urine was gone, all rooms painted, etc.) Remodeling is still a huge strain on a relationship and you have to work on that relationship as much as the house and garage. It’s so hard for others to see your vision. We all love the place now and it was a great move overall.

2 years ago

My solution was to rent a 10×25 storage unit nearby until I bought a couple of acres with a pole barn in a nearby small town. Since I doubt there’s anything that could be reasonably called a “small town” and “nearby” to where you are now I think you’re SOL. 😛

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