I’m writing this blog right now–our very first LIVEBLOG–because my co-founder in this venture, David Tracy, who really should be on here helping to run this thing, just sold a Jeep Cherokee to a nice lady who came from out of town to get it, and now we find that the Jeep is billowing steam on the side of the road, stranding the nice lady and her regrettable purchase there.
This is a genuine shitshow, so we may as well get some clicks out of it at least, right? Also, we have a Full Disclosure policy here at The Autopian, so when we ourselves do stupid, unfortunate things or get weird rashes you can be sure that you’ll have a front row seat so you can really feel our pain and humiliation.

Very, very shortly after this picture was taken of David’s Jeep pulling out of the driveway, we know something caused the XJ to overheat, and the power steering–maybe the belt, maybe the pump itself–failed.
David has officially informed me he feels terrible this happened, and confirms that it’s both a buyer’s and seller’s worst fucking nightmare. David has also informed me that this is the same woman who sold him that perfect Land Cruiser that made it all the way to Seattle and back, and this is how David repays her.

UPDATE 2:32 PM: I can now confirm that David has told me that this was his “nicest” Jeep Cherokee, and he was conflicted about selling it. Just let that sink in a bit.
This is another picture of the Nice Lady before the breakdown. Sources close to David have told The Autopian that she was once the owner of this same Jeep, prior to David owning it. The Autopian’s crack team of news analysts have asserted with a 78.4% degree of confidence that the Nice Lady likely does not look nearly this happy at the current time, at her current location.
UPDATE 2:35 PM: David seems to be attempting to remedy the situation, but reports on the ground are scarce.

UPDATE 2:37 PM: Motorists in the Troy, Michigan area have reported seeing a crazed figure trailing a cloud of iron oxide dust behind him darting among highway traffic, emitting a haunting wail of pain and regret. We have not been able to confirm these sightings.
UPDATE 2:40 PM: A search of recent correspondence with David via The Autopian’s internal comm system has found printouts of missives from David that state that the woman who purchased the Jeep is “wonderful” and “does not deserve this.”
UPDATE 2:42 PM: Autopian researchers digging into David Tracy’s financial records have unearthed possible evidence that the money paid for the Jeep may already have been spent on some other shitbox. We are unable to confirm these reports as of press time.
We have received an image from David’s implanted neck camera showing that he is in his Jeep J10 pickup and proceeding to the parking lot where the Jeep’s new owner has managed to park:

UPDATE 2:46 PM: Text communication with David has been re-established. Here’s a direct quote, which gives a good indication of Tracy’s current tenuous mental condition:
I have to say I feel so bad because she was worried about the windshield wipers being old and she took it to a car parts store to have them change the wipers just to give you an idea of just the level of where she’s at in terms of b******* she’s willing to tolerate I think that level is zero because I don’t even think it’s going to rain today
Got the guilts it’s cripplingShe sold me an incredible Land Cruiser and what do I sell her in return? A heaping pile of crapOh God oh God oh God
Where’s my rosary?
At this point, David suggested he would fish around in the seats and floor of his truck to locate a rosary he thought he had there, but as of press time he has only located several stale french fries.
God could not be reached for comment regarding David’s plight, or his plan to use a rosary to effect a favorable outcome.
UPDATE 2:52 PM: Calls to the American Council of Churches as well as the American Dental Association regarding their positions on this still-developing situation have so far gone unanswered, though sources inside both organizations have confirmed that the unofficial policy is to distance themselves from David as much as possible during this time.

UPDATE 2:55 PM: A statement from David Tracy has been received at The Autopian Southeast Regional Office. The statement reads:
Note that every person I’ve ever sold the vehicle to has been happy because I always go through them meticulously. The reason why this happened is because the vehicle sat all winter and I never drove it until now that spring has arrived and she’s picked it up
Something happened while it was sitting over the winter and I unfortunately the short test drive that I asked her to take wasn’t enough for her to wrangle the issue out
(static, indecipherable speech, possible sobbing)
“[the black smoke] is very very bad news possibly indicating internal engine damage
None of this makes sense as it is a 4 l and I’ve never had a 4 l actually come apart”

“Oh shit!!!
Code redWorse case scenario is hereI’m trying to be cool until Tracy leavesBecause I don’t want her to worry.I’ll figure this outBut it’s over
This motor is done.”
I think it’s piston skirt
Typical 4.0 failure. When they fail, that is. Which is never. Why Jeep gods, why?!
Like others, this story was enough to get me to register. Today I picked up a vintage Marantz stereo with matching speakers, and I’m sitting in the sweet spot listening as I read this. Tell you what – it doesn’t get any better! Been following both Torch and David’s shenanigans for some years now and it’s all literary gold! And yes I know David will do right by the nice lady once he gets over his post-Catholic guilt.
Expecting some damage video from the engine teardown. The only way to complete this story. Don’t be like a network television douche-nozzle and just leave this cliffhanger.
David, that startup video and the roadside overheating brought back loads of memories. I wish I could extract the memory of visiting the Chrysler/Jeep dealer in 1989 when I was 12. I sat with my parents for what seemed like eternity. Then I got to ride in a vehicle where you could turn and look back beyond the seatback! Woah, that was a big deal back then when people were used to riding in cars. I remember the test drive of what eventually became my first car: 1989 Jeep Cherokee Laredo. I learned a lot of things with that XJ…
Holy Grail, this is the holy grail of holy grail Jeep stories!
BTW, I love the new site. Commenting is so much better.
Oh man, I’ve been too busy this week to catch up until now… What a calamity!
Good on David for what I assume was recompensating Tracy, even days late this was a great read that made me feel better about my wrenching projects at hand.
Props again on the new digs gents, this place is fantastic.
Congratulations! After lurking on Jalopnik and Oppo for around a decade, you finally got me to register to comment! The play by play is hysterical! Even my tweenage daughter found it hilarious! I thought about registering to comment every time David nearly killed himself in a rusted out beater (POStal ftw)…though you did manage to get a WWII Era health issue with the FC. Please don’t ever change. Keep buying and selling cars for the amusement of the masses! Maybe David should marry that woman, settle down and drive a nice WK2 JGC! LOL! I’ll make sure to post more often now! Keep doing what you’re doing guys.
bad things happen when you don’t refrigerate beer…100% karma brought to you by (stale) rolling rocks
This is the kind of story that will keep me coming back and I have already deleted my bookmarks to Jalopnik and The Drive. I hope you figure out how to make money with this – I would even pay for some Torch and Tracy NFTs if that will help you make a living doing this.
Used vehicles should always be sold with my “Iron-Clad 100% Guarantee”: If it breaks in half you get to keep both halves, I 100% guarantee it.
“UPDATE 2:35 PM: David seems to be attempting to remedy the situation, but reports on the ground are scarce.”
Rust flakes on the ground, however…..
Shame really, it looks like a very nice example of an XJ.
It is better to get a bigger backyard with a higher fence than it is to sell.
Lesson learned, embrace your inner hoarder.
“It is better to get a bigger backyard with a higher fence than it is to sell.”
That is literary gold. I think that may go on David Tracy’s headstone some day…
Since the commentary has shifted to stories of cars bought/sold and the results thereof, I will once again recite my tale of woe. It was originally told over at Jalopnik before they blocked me for reasons never determined.
Let’s go back aways; 1967 to be exact. I returned from Viet Nam as relatively unscathed Marine Corporal. Bought my self a nice present, a 1962 TR3B white over red. Wonderful car. Forging ahead, the TR and I got married, moved to San Diego. In the following years the TR went from base to base to storage and back.
It is now 1976. I am now a soldier in the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Ord. The TR is now a bit tired. All of the running gear is still working well and the tires are great. But the body is a collection of bumps, scrapes, and an engine fire. In short the body needs a lot of help. After much debate with myself and my estranged wife I decide to sell him.
I had been keeping an eye on a young PFC who seemed to be totally immersed in the world of sports cars. He had helped me adjust the valves and a couple of other things. I gave him first chance at buying the TR for $1200. He accepted, so I had JAG write up a supposedly bullet proof contract which was witnessed by my Commander and 1stSgt. Collected the down payment of $200 and left for Germany.
That was the last I heard from any of them. I sulked and cursed my stupid self for being so trusting. After about 40 years I am almost over it!
PS About 20 years ago I found the title and registration for the TR. I contacted DMV in CA and asked what I could do. Using the VIN they told me it was still in CA and that if I provided physical proof, I could recover the TR from whoever currently had it. To my credit, I decided not to return the screwing to some poor schmuck who no doubt bought it in good faith. I never followed up.
PPS The wife and I got back together and are now celebrating our 53 years of marital “bliss”.
I hope to one day run into David trying to repair a Jeep in a parking lot. I feel like it is the car equivalent of seeing Arnold Palmer drink an Arnold Palmer.
I almost spit my Arnold Palmer through my nose reading that one…
I don’t know how exactly you all plan to top this, and STAB? As an old guy I know not to spurt out too much too soon. Save some for later.
Days later and I’m still laughing at random moments as “S*** Twice and Boltered” pops into my head. Autopian is setting off on world record pace, let’s hope they don’t bonk!