The Autopian has been up and running since March 32nd, or precisely two weeks ago. We’d like to chat with you, the dear readers who have chosen for whatever reason to board this untested vessel piloted by two frankly not-100%-there captains. So let’s hang out in the comments, talk about cars, and chat about whatever you feel like discussing.
Torch will hop on in a bit; he’s doing Passover stuff. For now it’s Thomas Hundal— our car-obsessed news-writing contributor — and me, just chillin’ here in the comments section of a website that, just a few months ago, was just a figment of Jason and my imagination. Now I have an unbelievable number of responsibilities: editing basically all day, everyday; trying to get a moment to actually write my own articles; staring out at my driveway, praying I can get a single moment to wrench on a Jeep. Will all this work be the death of me? No, I’m pretty sure that Valiant Ute in Australia will, but running this site will definitely weaken me.
Anyway, you should ask Thomas weird stuff about infotainment systems and weird re-flashing mods and also any BMW ever built. He’s an absolute geek and I’d like you all to get to know him better.

I’d also like to get to know you better, so let’s hang out! (I’m not the only one with nothing better to do on a Friday night, right?).
Oh and here’s Thomas’s BMW 325i:

Great site. So far so good.
I haven’t read all the comments, but I have read a few. I read Jalopnik quite a bit over the years, and I generally liked it. What I didn’t like was when the articles would veer off topic. If I want political or social opinions, I can see it on another (ANY other) site. I love how Autopian is keeping it pure. That is remarkable and I hope it doesn’t change. And on a related/not related note, I would resist the urge to circle the lifeboats looking for more old staff from the old site. Just my opinion but that’s going to get really stale really fast and you’ll be stuck with their subpar content forever. Take your time and get it right. Great site!
paywall. do it. keeps morons like this dork away from the comment section.
100 bucks a year to comment
50 bucks a year to read
Absolutely enjoyed the first 2 weeks. The focus on original content over chasing the daily grind has been appreciated. It feels more like listening to a friend explain the intricacies of Saab’s front reverse lights, or how the sale of a car went south minutes after it left, or even why a Tesla landed nose first. Honestly if there were more fart jokes, Star Wars references and beer involved, it would be exactly like listening to my personal friends.
The start up has undoubtedly been tough behind the scenes but it has definitely been successful. One change request though, could you move the reply/comment box to above the comment feed? It’s a long way to scroll sometimes.
I love it and will keep following. Y’all keep it going.
Put some new rear brakes on the Ford Transit.
Bled the rear brakes on the BMW 850 after I replaced every bushing and bearing in the rear end over the winter. Took it for a test drive and at this point I think it decided to eat both fuel pumps. Nice guy down the street towed me home. I will do some more testing tomorow, and likely pull them,
Good job on the site. Looks like you are gathering it up and moving forward
I lurked at the Other Site every day for YEARS without ever making an account. There are still a couple writers there whose work I miss, but sadly they cannot outweigh the suck; since you left, I haven’t been back once. And I made this login to tell you that and bump up your numbers, in case it helps.
Feedback: the “leave a reply” shows up AFTER all the existing comments (on Safari/iPad), kind of painful on mobile to scroll past 100+ brilliant insights to add my own tripe.
Oh well, I think I got too late for the party :-/. Will try to log in in time for the monthversary (mensiversary?).
Since my timing is a bit off, I’ll just talk to myself for a bit 🙂
First (and again, because once is never enough), thank you guys for all the effort you’re putting into this – it really shows. It is hard to believe that you all juggled the exit from the other place, the creation and launch of a complete and functional website, and _also_ managed truly quality content!
I was prepared to put up with some watered down posts for a while, but everything *started* up to eleven. Then I began preparing for a “cooling off” from a theoretical burst of pre-made posts, but -again- I was wrong, the content keeps coming… I think I am dozens of articles behind by now!
Finally – to cut short all this gushing around – it is not always that I witness the launch of a website*, and it makes me feel more of a part of it – even though my “contributions” are limited to short, inane comments on the real work. But still, feels good to forward the link to my friends knowing that “I was there” during launch!
* Curiously enough, the other “major” website launch that I witnessed was when the Brazilian arm of jello picknick went belly up, and all the local writers banded together to build a new version (with a cooler name). They are still going strong to this day, which proves that the prospects of pulling a Martin Luther and starting your own thing are actually quite good 🙂
I’m late to this two week wrap up, but want to say love this site. I don’t wrench anymore, too old and tired and never enough time, but I love the stories on this site and particularly the writing style, and I do mean that for every writer. It’s a great start and here’s hoping for nothing but continued growth and success.
Oh and to the first and current vehicle:
first: 1954 GMC pickup (given to me by my parents, given back when I purchased a used car. Couldn’t kill it, loved it.) Anyone start in something older?
first owned new car: 1986 Isuzu Impulse
current: 2016 Fusion Energi Platinum & 2014 BMW X3
I love that this particular set of people is doing this. Jason and David you two are just the best.
My one ask for this site is to always, forever, perpetually keep the list of news in chronological order with the newest at the top. Please please please please. The “featured” banner at the very top is fine, I guess, but please don’t let it grow any further than that.
Nothing pissed me off about the old site more than the same stupid four articles continuously showing up in the list EVERY SINGLE DAY for months and months and months. Seriously, I didn’t care about how that car did in the Dakar rally yesterday, I don’t care today, and I won’t care tomorrow.
If any super smart internet person tells you to switch to an algorithm-controlled article listing saying “it will drive up engagement” please throat punch them for me, tie them up, throw them in the trunk (or frunk) of something without an internal emergency release and drive them out to the desert far beyond the reach of wifi and fancy coffee. “Driving up engagement” is how we ended up on this, the shittiest of all timelines.
I’m absolutely thrilled with the site. Great content, great writers, real community in the comments section.
The comments definitely need a bit of work to provide the ability to add pictures, and I agree the whole login process is a tad clunky.
I’m good with you guys working for some more monetization. All y’all deserve to get paid and I know full well that a single tasteful banner ad at the top of the page won’t do it. What ticks us all off at the other site is the absolute in-your-face blatancy of “we don’t care how much we wreck your user experience as long as we get a few more pennies out of it”. You’ve seen what not to do.
There’s a lot of us rooting for you to be the premier site for car nuts of all stripes.
Two weeks in and I’m still super happy with the content. Y’all have successfully cut my morning productivity down by at least 25%. Keep it weird and keep it as uncluttered as possible while making sure the compensation for you guys is there, and I think the audience will be there. I would be interested to see the YouTube channel develop as the site grows. I think that between David and Torch the personalities are there, J just didn’t emphasize it really. Whatever direction is decided on, I’ll be eagerly reading along as it develops. Thanks for jumping out on that limb and making this happen!
You guys have to do something about the login. I tried to comment on David’s xj article(bitch about how AAA left me on hold for an hour while i was freezing on the Southfield, only to tell me no one is coming.)
Now I’m trying to give my opinion about the douche bag who showed up at David’s house. Im surprised I can comment on this article.
Love it!!!!
Now can you move the reply button a little further from the like button, cause fat fingers.
But that’s my only concern.
Congratulations on making it through two weeks! You all must be tired and missing your families/pets/vintage video games/sleep. I’ve noticed the reduction in quality/goofy content at the other place-nik and a lot of dusty articles from their vault.
If any of your staff ever need to fact-check anything with a materials engineer with 20+ years of failure analysis and auto industry experience, feel free to get back to me. Otherwise, here’s to goofy car fun and dirty fingernails. Keep it up!
That sounds like it was an interesting job. I look forward to your future comments
Everything is just what I expected, and that’s a damn good thing. I like the simplicity and readability of the layout a lot. And of course, the mix of raw entertainment and good, relatable tech/mechanical information is something you really don’t get anywhere else.
Keep up the good work (Stay calm and Torch on?)!
“Stay calm and Torch on” needs to be a sticker or sign and be for sale on this site!
YES. Maybe a WWDTD sticker too?
Just want to thank you and cheer you up because everything has been fantastic! Can’t wait for this site to evolve. Loving the variety (like de car designer posts) and the involvement of everyone in the comment section (specially from writers with readers).
Seriously guys, you’re doing unbelievably well!
My only complaint is i cant find the time to read all the articles.A real problem when there are so many good ones, LOL
Super impressed with your start – these last few days especially, I’ve just been devouring everything you’re putting out! Stoked to be along for the ride!
I signed up right away when I saw the announcement, but feared that it would not form a community quickly.
I was wrong completely.
You guys produce original ( and often frankly weird) content and have an ability to spot the fun and quirky aspects of the automotive world. I have think already that you will be very successful.
Timing is good- Spring is here, Covid is lifting, people are desperate to get out and enjoy their cars. Today I am going to pull my old 997 GT3RS out of storage and give it its first run on some back roads. Six months of sitting is just too painful, but, hey…its Canada.
Thanks! Ah the six-month Canadian hibernation, I know it all too well. The chrome-wrapped Aventadors are back at Yonge and Sheppard in Toronto, so it’s only a matter of time before all the good stuff comes out of the woodwork. Glad to hear you were able to take your 997 GT3 RS out for a rip, what an absolutely mesmerizing car. Mezger engine FTW!
For long winded reasons, available upon request, I would gladly participate in almost any efforts you three would ask to monetize this site. Unfortunately your tshirts don’t come in Men’s sizes but I would gladly pay so that you can continue.
Thank you
First thoughts after a couple weeks:
Great content, virtually no ads (The orange guys drove me away before your new venture). I don’t mind ads, but jeez, Big Orange broke the site with them.
What you rolled out WORKS. Doesn’t seem like community college script kiddies are doing your web dev.
Lack of Hot Take articles
Too many junk articles at Big Orange, driving clicks and angry thumbs by idiots.
Not enough writers – y’all going to burn out. Seriously. Passion is great, but spread it out a bit; give a few wannabes a chance to write (short-term gigs) and see if they stick. Call them three-month interns. If you only focus on your own content, and editing the same, burn-out (or much worse) will follow. Hatch a few more careers in automotive journalism. It would be nice to bring over a couple of folks that still write over there, but wait it out, attrition will continue at that place.
I had the same thought yesterday when I realized how many articles Torch has been turning out.
DT: Whenever I hear about the FC electrification project I think of Damien. His series on using a Lexus Hybrid transmission as an EV powertrain is both technical and practical:
There is currently no way for me to put sweet, greasy American greenbacks directly into your sweet, greasy grabby-grabs. My only option is to buy T-shirts, which I’ve done but it seems like a rather inefficient way of transferring my vast wealth right into The Autopian’s gaping, baby-bird-like coffers. I understand that even the best banks rarely accept deposit by dump truck, but have you considered at least slapping up a Patreon or something?
I, for one, am astonished at the amount of quality content you guys have managed to put out these last two weeks.
I’m not sure if others have mentioned it, but the pictures on the site seem to load pretty slow. It looks to me like the reason is the photos always load in full resolution, even when you don’t click on them. Still way faster than that one awful orange site, tho.
so sloooooow
The Autopian currently loads far more slowly for me than does that other place. However, I’ve got the Autopian whitelisted, whereas I’ve got my adblockers set to kill when I visit the herb-choked place.
It’s not the ads. The server’s short on resources (maybe physical, definitely synthetic) and is basically making connections wait in line. Once things get started it’s pretty fast.
Definitely hoping they can keep the ad load sane, even if it goes up some. Every time I turn my ad blocker off for the other site, it just gets painful to use and I end up turning it right back on.
Good point, and thanks for the reminder to whitelist. This is the only site that gets that perk. I did make a point to click on the Optima header-ad (and do need a battery).
The content has been fantastic so far!
Honestly I wasn’t expecting this quality so soon.
Keep it up!
I haven’t commented here at all yet, which I’m a little ashamed of, but I’m reading the articles and you guys are putting out great stuff. Already loved Torch & Tracy’s take on stuff, but I’m been very pleasantly surprised about the other posts from experts in the industry. Fascinating stuff for sure. Keep it up, you’re one of the few non-social media tabs that is always open in my browser.