Home » We’re Driving A 1966 Ford Mustang And A New Jeep Wagoneer (Towing A Golden Eagle) From Detroit To LA Next Week. Come Hang Out!

We’re Driving A 1966 Ford Mustang And A New Jeep Wagoneer (Towing A Golden Eagle) From Detroit To LA Next Week. Come Hang Out!

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My move from Detroit to LA begins on Monday, when Jason Torchinsky hops into a luxurious 2022 Jeep Wagoneer to tow my 1979 Jeep Cherokee Golden Eagle, while I freeze my butt off in a 1966 Ford Mustang whose heater works about as well as the breath from a small cat. Needless to say: I’m excited! Here’s a look at the route we’re taking; we plan to host meetups at some major cities in Indiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Nevada, and then eventually in LA. Come say hi!

I’ll be honest and say that my move is an absolute disaster. Nearly a decade in Michigan, a single man with too much space, an obsession with large machines — it all adds up to shit, a whole lot of shit. And I’ve got to get rid of it, pronto.

But packing is really the least of my concerns at this point; I’ve got to run this publication, write the finale for Project Cactus (and help edit the video!), plan the logistics of this move, and then I’ve got to deal with the fact that my tools are buried in a sheet of ice in my garage thanks to a pipe-burst the other day:

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On top of that, the city is up my Arse again:

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As for Christmas-y things? You can forget about those. I’ll call my family in Germany on Christmas eve, down the box of chocolates my wonderful business partner Beau sent me, and keep plugging away at that Project Cactus Finale until it’s published on the J-man’s birthday. Then I’ll pack all night so that on the 26th, the day Jason Torchinsky and his awesome son Otto show up, we can disembark.

By the way, here’s our route:

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We’re headed south to avoid snowy mountain passes, since my brother’s 1966 Ford Mustang has Douglas tires that are horrible on anything that isn’t dry, and the Wagoneer that Jeep graciously lent us is on all-terrains, though perhaps more importantly, it’ll be towing this thing:

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I’ve rented a U-Haul trailer for $400; that plus the Golden Eagle should weigh about 7,000 pounds, so I’m excited to see how that boosted straight-six in that Wagoneer handles it.

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I’m less excited about driving the Mustang in 15F temperatures and salt-covered roads. The good thing is that I recently had it undercoated out of an abundance of caution:

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I’m now going to drain the 15W-40 goop in the crankcase for some 10W-30 Synthetic Blend Shell Rotella, and then hope the play in that passenger’s side control arm bushing doesn’t get out of hand. Else, I may need to borrow one of y’all’s garages.

Anyway, follow our Twitter page to stay up to date on our trip, as well as on meetups we have along the way; expect those to be held in classy locations like Walmart parking lots.


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Albino Kangaroo
Albino Kangaroo
1 year ago

Wow, the US is huge. Hopefully there will be an after the holidays winter Autopian meet up in LA.

Mr. Fusion
Mr. Fusion
1 year ago

The route goes through some high elevations on I-40: ABQ is at 5000′, Flagstaff is at 7000′, and it probably does not drop below 4000′ at any point in between. So that turbo I-6 in the Wagoneer was a good call.

Also, I can’t wait to see how the Mustang does on some of those highway grades out west — although it may be a blessing in disguise that it is not during the heat of summer.

Car King
Car King
1 year ago

Did the move from Chicago to LA 30+yrs ago moved to Albuquerque 28yrs. ago….are you staying over in Albuquerque? When? Shoot me an email and I might see about coming out to meet up with you and your possee!

1 year ago

This sounds like a fun roadtrip! Make sure to send your current City Hall a random greasy and/or rusty CAR PART every Christmas.

1 year ago

Great opportunity to get a bunch of your stuff to LA by filling the back of that Jeep, will be interesting to see how the new one performs (i am hemi bias but that new I6 looks pretty cool)

hugh crawford
hugh crawford
1 year ago

Um, have you checked a weather forecast? I’m getting continuous updates about once in a generation storms, bomb cyclones, the polar vortex etc.
Mostly where you are.

On the bright side, profoundly bad ideas make for great writing, and the mustang probably won’t overheat.

sounds like it will combine elements of Moby Dick with the travel planning of the Donner party.

Can’t wait to read about it! Have fun!

1 year ago
Reply to  hugh crawford

Time for a rant about the Donner Party aftermath: What’s really messed up (from my perspective) is the town of Truckee named several streets after the Donner party — more accurately the Donner-Reed Party — and the state named a lake, state park, and a mountain pass on I80 near where a bunch of Donner-Reed people were buried in snow while trying to summon help, after the Donner Party. Of the 87 people in the Donner-Reed Party, only 48 survived. All suffered from cold and malnutrition. They ate shoes, leather jackets, their animals and eventually the corpses of their travel companions.

It seems somehow disrespectful for the town and state to name so many landmarks after such tragedy. Unless, of course, California DOT intends to remind travelers that I80 in the winter months can be a deathtrap.

1 year ago

The worst one, IMO, is the Donner Party Picnic Area.

1 year ago
Reply to  Defenestrator

If you stop at the snack bar, don’t order the burgers.

Sean B
Sean B
1 year ago

Hey David, if you need that (home) garage in Abq, I’ve got one with an assortment of tools.

1 year ago

Get a plug in heated seat cushion for the Mustang- it will stop you from dying, mostly

1 year ago

Taxpayers in Troy, MI rejoice as effective January 1 city lays off surplus Housing and Zoning Inspector!
Practice ‘parade wave’ as thousands throng interstate highway for 2400 miles along travel route to see automotive blog ‘conquering hero’ transit country!
Be gracious (clean fingernails for photo op) when accepting ‘key to city’ upon entering LA!

1 year ago

I am surprised the city isn’t holding a parade/celebration with a police escort out of town. Safe travels and you may want to look into a 12v ceramic heater to plug in the Mustang so you don’t freeze to death.

Safe travels!

1 year ago

The Ballad of David Tracy

Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named Dave
Poor engineer barely kept the rust at bay
Then one day he was wrenching on a Jeep,
And down on his tools came a flood of water
(H2O that is, agua, Adam’s ale)

Well the next thing you know Dave’s posting online
Autopian folk said Dave move away from there
Said California is the place you oughta be
So he loaded up the stang and he moved to LA
(Studio City that is, swimming pools, rust-free cars)

1 year ago

Hey David, now is definitely not the time to do it, but since you’re going to be moving out that way you should definitely drive on “The loneliest road in America,” US Route 50 at some point. Great potential for a road trip from LA.

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr.Asa

With the way his cars are that will end up being stranded on the loneliest road in America.

1 year ago

David’s route doesn’t seem to include Highway 50 in Utah or Nevada. Maybe there are other chambers of commerce calling their roads the loneliest in America.

1 year ago

Oh, for heaven’s sake. Ignore my comment. I didn’t see Mr.Asa’s comment when I shot my mouth off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr.Asa

TBH now might be the time to do it, while there’s a brand-new support vehicle on hand.

Duke of Kent
Duke of Kent
1 year ago

Wow, David, the things you do for fun give me severe anxiety.

Is there a time crunch the necessitates executing this move during a once-in-a-generation weather event that will plunge most of the country into temperatures colder than they ever typically see? Because, man, this is something that I’d rather do during the Springtime.

Wishing you the best of luck! Have a good time, and be safe!

1 year ago
Reply to  David Tracy

Can…can we talk about why the founder of the world’s premier automotive publication is pouring synthetic blend instead of the full-synthetic good stuff into a classic Mustang? I do insist on being irrationally, inconsolably upset about this.

1 year ago

That city HATES you! I bet they’re mostly still mad about the greep jeep!

Fix It Again Tony
Fix It Again Tony
1 year ago
Reply to  Drew

That inspector probably drives by every week looking for something to write up.

Wayward Drifter
Wayward Drifter
1 year ago

Make sure to stop by Russell’s Travel Center on the TX-NM border on I-40. Good restaurant and a nifty car museum. It has a pristine 80’s El Camino!

1 year ago

Hold on! Where did this brand spanking new white jeep that the other J-man will navigate come from? (forgive the dangling participle)

1 year ago

Sounds like Jeep the company is lending it to them. Very nice of them!

1 year ago

No everyone is on Twitter. Will there be info here for the send-off in Troy?

Where did you have the undercoating done? I am thinking my 914 would benefit.

1 year ago
Reply to  David Tracy

Thanks. I see they have the photo of your Mustang on their front page!

An Octopus
An Octopus
1 year ago
Reply to  David Tracy

Have you considered a Mastodon instance for members?

Car King
Car King
1 year ago
Reply to  jcbeckman

Yup not a tweeter especially since some control freak bought it and sunk it.

1 year ago

Boo, no Chicago stops!

1 year ago
Reply to  GDankert

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I’m off work, so I’m half tempted to drive to Indy… but I probably won’t.

Man With A Reliable Jeep
Man With A Reliable Jeep
1 year ago

“I’ll call my family in Germany on Christmas eve, down the box of chocolates my wonderful business partner Beau sent me, and keep plugging away at that Project Cactus Finale until it’s published on the J-man’s birthday.”

I stopped for a moment and thought, “Huh, I didn’t know Torch was born on Christmas. How ironic.” Then I realized we were talking about the other J-man.

1 year ago

They’re both jewish so it is an easy mistake to make.

Man With A Reliable Jeep
Man With A Reliable Jeep
1 year ago

Rubbish? Rubbish?! When did Troy move to the UK?

1 year ago

DT. Tenant from Hell.

Chris with bad opinions
Chris with bad opinions
1 year ago
Reply to  MATTinMKE

DT. Neighbor from Hell.

1 year ago

Very wise going south, David. Though I was hoping to save the day (or provide a meal/drink) if you came through on I-80.

1 year ago

Forecasted high of 18 in Detroit Monday. Dress warm 😉

1 year ago

Hey Tracy, what’s your opinion on undercoating a new car?

1 year ago
Reply to  David Tracy

You don’t get it, you get oxidation problems. It’ll cost you a heck of a lot more than $500.

Mark Tucker
1 year ago
Reply to  xaaronx

Ya know, they put that Tru-Coat on at the factory. There’s nothin’ I can do about that.

1 year ago

“Want me to clean up? Fuck you, I’ll leave!”
Is what they’re going to think you said.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr.Asa

To the City, yes!

To the landlord, no! Those people deserve canonization!

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